Friday, December 2, 2011

Kolavari Lunch @ Office Canteen ( Parody)

With due respect to भोjana

TRY This ...EAT दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .
Rice Less...........Spread Wideअ . .............Look likeअ Quantity Greट . 
TRY This ...TRY दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .
छपाटी Threeअ .........Lack of Wheट
TRY This ...TRY दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .
Saब्जी Taste................ Masala Missड ....Like Patient Fooड ....अ. 
TRY This ...TRY दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .
Daल...अ...Daल...Servedअ Less.......Forced to Eatअ.......Suखा Bhaaत.
TRY This ...TRY दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .
“pa pa paan pa pa paan pa pa paa pa pa paan” ..papaड .... Fusssअ...@the end अ.toothpick Needअ.
TRY This ...TRY दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .
Ok Now u.. Nøw Tune Change'ju..
Sweeट .....अ.........Sweeट ......routine like साखर Eating...अ .....अअ.
TRY This ...TRY दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .
Cøw'vu Cøw'vu या भैसाNu छाच .............Ice Hot अ .....अअ.
TRY This ...TRY दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .
Veg .a..Veg...अ...Veg .Biryani Veg......Here Rice Raged अन्ड return to Hydrabadअ.
TRY This ...TRY दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .
Foodअ.. Foodअ. in Lunch Hour 
Kill अ kill अ Kill अ...........Bhooक ..अ...Bhooक.
TRY This ...TRY दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .
This Šøng'gu Før Bachelor Bøys'su
अन्ड We Døn't Have Chøice'su.
Ok One More timeअ. TRY This ...TRY दिस.............Kolavari........Kolavari Lunch .

Sumedh Anand

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